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The structure of our school is compatible with our vision and mission; it is designed in a way that enables all students and faculty to achieve what they aspire for in the most convenient environment.
Ahlia School is situated on a 12690sqm plot of land. The school aims at serving 1500 students (Pre - Nursury-12th grade) when it reaches its fullest capacity in the near future. The school is fully air conditioned and equipped with a high-grade fire alarm system. Ahlia School is also fully equipped with a broadband internet connection that covers every office and classroom.

Our main facilities include:
Computer labs
Fully equipped science labs
Art rooms
Digital resources
Music rooms equipped with musical instruments
School clinic with certified nurses
Indoor soft play area
Outdoor play area
Center for special education and gifted students with certified specialists
Multipurpose hall
Conference room


* Experiential, inductive and hands on learning
* Collaborative
* Holistic
* Reflective
* Constructive
* Developmental
* Challenging
* Supportive, rich and motivating
* Cognitive
* Democratic
* Social
* Emphasize higher order thinking
* Facilitate active learning
* Integrate ICT learning
* Develop metacognition


The Ahlia School faculty is carefully selected based on the following:
* Outstanding Educational Background.
* Teaching experience.
* Sensitivity to the individual needs of all learners.
Maximum opportunities for continous professional development are our targets; Ahlia School takes every opportunity to update both our academic and non academic faculty through providing training locally and internationally. Life long learning is our aspiration not only for our students, but also for our faculty.


Academic Calendar

2024-2025 click here


+973 77476666