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“To educate our young within a happy, caring and culturally diverse environment so that they are able to achieve their full potential while building self-esteem and developing healthy minds, bodies and appropriate social skills."
تعليم صغارنا في بيئة تتسم بالبهجة والرعاية والتنوع الثقافي بحيث يمتلكون القدرة على انجاز أقصى إمكانياتهم فيما يبنون احترامهم لذواتهم ويطورون عقولهم وأجسامهم مهاراتهم الاجتماعية على نحو صحي
Create a rich, pleasant and stimulating learning community
Engage students as active, lifelong, well-motivated and socially-responsible learners
Advance students’ knowledge, individual talents and practical capabilities through effective use of modern high quality curricula; interactive and differentiated teaching methods; appropriate technology; and outstanding professional teachers
Stimulate student’s imaginations and augment their personal capacities with creativity and innovation to sustain them in the future
Produce confident and competent graduates capable of being accepted by the best universities
+973 77476666
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